

Chamonix - Zermatt crossing:

Chamonix – Zermatt crossing


Discover the Alpine Haute Route, by the trail, a long-distance hike linking two major Alpine capitals: Chamonix Mont Blanc in France, and Zermatt in Switzerland.

Here is a succession of authentic valleys, famous mountain passes, charming little villages and a multitude of glaciers, lakes and torrents tumbling down the slopes of shady forests!

Traversée Chamonix - Zermatt. Chamonix - Zermatt crossing.

If the Haute Route by the glaciers is well known to mountaineers, hikers take a very different route. It is the “by the trail” version, which goes between 2000 and 3000m of altitude, in medium-altitude mountains, on diversified and non-glacial trails.

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Chamonix Zermatt crossing

A technical path is a trail with particularly uneven terrain and a very heterogeneous surface (tread, all types of terrain).  The path is therefore less “rolling”, more irregular, and requires more attention and caution from the hiker.

Some of these technical passages can cause, when the ground requires it:

  • The crossing of permanent installations (wired handrails, ladders, footbridges…)
  • The use of technical equipment (use of a rope to protect a progression, use of crampons on hard snow)
  • To be able to demonstrate ease of movement and technical skills (where and how to place one’s feet in order to progress with maximum safety)
  • The use of knowledge and a technical skills based on years of experience (being able to adopt the best behavior and make the best decision)

The technicality of a path can be represented on the entire itinerary or only a portion of it. Its crossing requires a more sustained effort of concentration. In fact, the energy spent on the expenditure linked to the physical and psychological effort is more important. This has an impact on the time needed to complete the route and should be taken into account when preparing the trip. Of course, the same applies to recovery time.

All technical paths can be crossed, as long as you are calm, analytical, and methodical. Nothing is impossible as long as you have been expecting it, preparing it and now that you are taking action!

When in doubt, call on a professional who can guide you in the choices and decisions to be made. This is by far the best way to go!

This comes down to defining what an expert is!

She/he is the one who knows her/his practice very well and who can attest to her/his skills. Trained, knowledgeable, already experienced in some significant experiments, her/his objective is to improve her/his art in practice by multiplying the experiments as often as possible.

If you define yourself as such, then do not hesitate to consult all our programs that mention the expert level.

When in doubt, call in a professional!

These are two hiking itineraries of several days each, on mountain ranges subject to the same coercion and dynamics. The mountain environment presents the same characteristics (ecosystem, weather/climate, relief and landscapes…). These two hikes are therefore as beautiful as each other, however, the Chamonix – Zermatt is more difficult than the Tour du Mont-Blanc, because :

  • The very large number of people on the TMB has encouraged the formation of  wider trails. The path is much more “rolling”, convenient and “smoothed” by the passage of hikers, mountain bikers, pack animals). Walking is easier on the TMB trails.
  • The Chamonix-Zermatt trails cross passes that are higher in altitude (between 2600m/8500ft and 2900m/9700ft). The physical effort is more demanding and the climatic constraints potentially more severe.
  • The itinerary presents stages or portions of stages that are more technical (the crossing of the Grand Desert for example, scree slopes and desert terrains over 2600m/ 8500ft where the marking are minimalist painting on rocks ). Overall, the trails are narrower, and there are more exposed passages that require more physical and psychological effort.
  • The Chamonix – Zermatt program offers a much greater daily vertical drop and total distance covered. The management of the effort and the recovery time requires more experience.

In fact, one must know one’s own aptitudes (meaning you know your limits and your level) and always prepare your hike (check the weather the day before, the itinerary / distance, elevation, … make sure you have the appropriate equipment).

Practice makes perfect ⚒

You can take day trips that offer an equivalent or more demanding level of difficulty. You can also multiply experiences that consolidate your skills & abilities (diversify practice environments and modes of execution, acquire new skills like map reading, compass or GPS navigation).

And of course, always be aware of the outing you’re about to embark on.

Find out all about the traverse – right here!

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