The Olympic Games will affect my Europe trip ?
Olympic Games 2024
Olympic Games 2024 will take place in Paris and you might be wondering if it will affect your traveling in Europe…
Here’s a helpful article!

As you know the next Olympics games will take place in Paris, next summer and will gather many people in the capital.
First of all, it is no surprise that there will be a big flow of travelers in Paris and Europe in general. However, Chamonix and its surroundings are nestled in the mountains away from all the buzz of the Olympic Games, so the prices will not be affected by it as no events will be held on the region. There might be a bit more travelers than usual but the mountains are wide and can welcome everyone.
△ What about the events in the other cities?
- Lyon and Marseille will welcome some events, but there are respectively 2 hours and 5 hours away for Chamonix area which is far enough to avoid the crowds.
△ What about the airports?
- It is way easier to get to Geneva-Switzerland airport as there are lot of shuttles and the journey is only 45mn-1h. We always recommend flying to Geneva as it is easier and closer and at that time of the year will be cheaper. From there you will also be able to reach other international airports.
If you would like to take the opportunity to travel around Europe and lake the most out of it while in Chamonix, it will be very easy. Chamonix is only a tunnel away from Italy and you can fly out to Milan, Venice and Rome easily. To be honest, from Geneva airport you can go anywhere in Europe: craving some chocolate, go to Switzerland; wanting to discover the Mediterrranean atmosphere, fly to Spain, Portugal or Greece; never been to Ireland catch a flight to Dublin.
And if you are still willing to visit the city of love after your European adventures, we recommend planning your Parisian trip in September for 3 good reasons:
- Summer holidays will be over in France!
- The Olympics will finish mid-august but the Paralympics are on till mid-september. It will gather less people though.
- It will be cooler and yet you will get the perks of summer: sunny days, gardens are still bloomings, still lots of events and activities, still get the daylight till late to enjoy a good glass of wine on a Parisian terrasse.
And of course, if you are keen to visit Paris during summer and discover the excitement of the Olympics, you are more than welcome. It might also be a once in a lifetime opportunity!

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